Print-traffic submission page

Delivery Deadline

March 30, 2024

Congratulations on being selected for



If you have any questions, please refer to the FAQ below, if you cannot find your answer, please contact us by emailing print-traffic@postlab.io with the subject line: 


- Your Film Name

I have a DCP

We have lots of films to process, you can help us and the festival by uploading your DCP ASAP so that we can avoid any backlogs.

DCP Specs: 
Interop or SMPTE, all frame-rates accepted. All packages must be Scope or Flat. We cannot accept Full-Container DCPs. If your DCP was professionally created, then it will most likely meet these specs, so please go ahead and upload it. We'll let you know if it doesnt meet specs.
QC Process: All DCP's will be QC'd for DCI compliance, and spot checked for common issues such as sync or incorrect audio channel mapping, however, we do not watch your films in full, it is your responsibility to ensure the master you used to create your DCP is free of errors.

We will only contact you if your DCP fails QC.

Click here to upload your DCP

I do not have a DCP

You will need to engagea professional mastering facility to create a DCP for you. DCP's can be reused, so they are a great investment!

The festival has partnered with Post Lab IO to offer discounted DCP Mastering services, however you are not obligated to use us, we've listed a few other facilities below.

RGFF filmmakers: $150 (Normally $330, 60% discount)

Create my DCP with Post Lab IO
Where else can I get a DCP made?

Here are some facilities we can reccoment for DCP Mastering. Please send them this page so they can review the specs and upload your DCP to us once completed.

Festival Specific FAQs

General FAQs